Current Project

Current Project
The Last Antigone

Monday, November 19, 2007

Horses for courses

Well a few days have gone by and I'm making progress, I have a skinny horse!! I found a picture of reasonable quality that I could use of a horse. The horse is already a little skinny and not only that he has his head beautifully drooped in quite a sad way that really helps to add to the emotion of the overall image.

The bit that amuses me the most about this image is that the techniques used to emaciate the horse are the same as those used to thin down already emaciated fashion models lol.

Overall I am really happy with how the horse has turned out and he blends flawlessly into the central Otago background that I have chosen for the image.

I have also found my apple tree, there is this fantastic old apple tree growing on the side of the road around the corner from me. It has that wonderful quality that only comes from the chance growth of an apple core chucked on the side of the road. It is scraggly and notted, nothing really grows in uniform and it's perfect for the harsh conditions of Central Otago.
Masking a tree lol now thats a challenge, I tried to get my photographs with the background being mostly harbour and sky so that should help. Wish me luck anyway I think it's going to be the hardest mask job I've ever had to do and that includes hair.

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